L'accident dramatique de Louis et l'entree en scene de Francis Blake

Publié le par Louis Sipher

Apres mon silence radio de ces derniers jours, Estelle vient aux nouvelles :


Bonjour Louis,

je te souhaite un bon debut de semaine, j'aimerais savoir si vous avez pu à voyager le week-end?j'attends les informations d'envoie de western union pour qu'on puiise voir l'avocat pour commencer le travaille.

Je te souhaite une très bonne journée et j'attends impatiemment ton message.


merci et à bientôt




C’est Francis Blake qui lui répond (en anglais, il faut corser un peu les choses). Il a une nouvelle dramatique à lui apprendre :

Dear Miss Toure,

my name is Francis Blake and I've been working with Louis Sipher for the past 7 years at Cabarate Contable where both of us were accounting associates.

It's with deep sadness that I have to announce that Mr Sipher died in a terrible car accident last week wednesday the 22nd, as he took an afternoon off from the office to go to Sosua to look after private matters.

Louis parents arrived last saturday from Paris, and the his burial will take place tomorrow in Santa Maria cemeterio, here in Cabarete.

We are all shocked here, Louis was such a nice guy, life can be so difficult sometimes. He taught me how to play "la Petanque", which is a french game of balls, and we use to play together every sunday afternoon. I will miss these ball games so much.

I'm now busy cleaning up Louis's desk and computer. I can only assume that you were in business with Louis ? There was a few foreign companies he was dealing with, but I'm afraid I do not have their list available. I have seen your name in his mailbox in various correspondances he had with you, but I'm afraid I cannot speak nor read french, so I'm not too sure exactly where you stand with your business with Louis. As far as I could have understand, you're managing a Western Union office in Africa and you're in need of an updated audit ? Please trust that Cabarete Contable will maintain continuity in our business, eventhough we have to go through that terrible event.

Louis office desk is going to be cleant up, his computer will be transferred in another department of the company, and his mailbox will be permanently deleted. I would be grateful if you would follow up directly at my work adress, which is

Your sincerely

Francis Blake

Accounting Associate
Cabarete Contable
(809) 571 0849
ext. 43


Laissez moi résumer la situation, à l’attention de nos amis lecteurs qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue de Shakespeare : Louis s’est tué dans un accident de la route en se rendant à Sosua ! Francis, qui ne parle pas un mot de français, pense qu’ Estelle dirige une agence Western Union, et qu’elle était une cliente de Louis. En bon professionnel, il lui offre bien entendu ses services de comptable.

Inutile de vous dire que j’attend avec impatience la réaction d’ Estelle. Va-t-elle marcher, et surtout comment va-t-elle expliquer qu’elle était sur le point de partager 12 millions de dollars avec feu Louis ?

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